BuilderVisionInterior DesignPortfolioHome PlansExperienceRelationshipNewsContactThe NewsBuilder and Developer MagazineOctober 15, 2020The Green and Sustainability Committee reached out to Red Tree to provide an article about green building, indoor air quality, and connectivity to nature, for the Builder and Developer Magazine. Samantha Mallard, our in-house interior designer, took on the task, writing a great article about connecting with nature in home design and …
The Importance of Green Certifications
BuilderVisionInterior DesignPortfolioHome PlansExperienceRelationshipNewsContactThe NewsThe Value of Third Party CertificationsOctober 12, 2020Every home that Red Tree builds is Green Certified. It is important to make the differentiation between a green certified home and a home that claims to be green. Certified homes are validated by a third party and we received the certification paperwork to share with our home owners. Every …
Builders of Instagram
BuilderVisionInterior DesignPortfolioHome PlansExperienceRelationshipNewsContactThe NewsBuilders of InstaOctober 5, 2020As part of Brandons vlogger responsiblities at the International Builders’ Show he got the chance to meet Brek Goin of Builders of Instagram. Brek is an incredible human being who has started a social media movement for builders, highlighting workforce development and the next generation of workers. If you haven’t followed him you …